Roy Francis Announces Run for Warrenton Town Council

Roy Francis announced his candidacy for Warrenton Town Council, Ward 1, on Friday morning April 26. 

He made his announcement at the Pavilion at North Rock, overlooking the site of the proposed Amazon data center, before a gathering of 25 supporters.  He began his remarks by pointing out the extraordinary view, which would be lost if the Amazon data center is built on the hill beside Blackwell Road and Route 29, on the entrance to Town.

Mr. Francis has a track record of leadership and community service, as President of the North Rock HOA and Finance Chair for St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.  Before his retirement, he served as Departmental Printing Officer for the U.S. Interior Department, overseeing all Interior Department printing and publications.  He and his wife Norma have lived in Fauquier County for 22 years, and for 6 years in Warrenton.

In his announcement, Mr. Francis discussed important issues facing the Town of Warrenton, citing his opposition to the Amazon data center and Boundary Line Adjustments, the need for addressing deferred infrastructure investment, and the need for Town growth to be more moderate and thoughtful.

He also emphasized the need for Ward 1 residents to have better representation on the Town Council and better communications between residents and the Ward's Council representative.

Members of Protect Fauquier and Town Council members Paul Mooney and Eric Gagnon with candidate Roy Francis

He was emphatic in saying, "If the litigation against Amazon is successful, and if that issue comes back to the Town Council, I will vote against it."

After Mr. Francis's remarks, Town Council members Paul Mooney and Eric Gagnon came forward to speak in support of Mr. Francis.

Late 2023 Key Decisions & Events Regarding Data Centers & Transmission Lines

LITIGATION TO STOP AMAZON: An important court hearing occurred on Wednesday 12/13/23 in Warrenton. Much of the focus was on the Town's original 2021 adoption of the zoning text amendment for data centers. If the court ultimately agrees the ZTA was invalid, it not only topples the zoning that allows data centers in Warrenton, but it also means the 2/14/23 town approval of the Amazon SUP is not valid. Stay tuned. Read a statement from CFFC about the 12/13/23 hearing here.

FAUQUIER DATA CENTER POLICY: On Thursday, 12/14/23, the Fauquier Board of Supervisors approved a new policy on data centers. Protect Fauquier provided input to the policy, and on balance we think it strengthens the protection of the County's rural, agricultural, scenic, and historic heritage from the adverse impacts of data centers. The policy is strong in limiting data centers to the two locations currently allowed (Vint Hill PCID and Remington Business Park). As "policy," it cannot establish new legal requirements but it can and does lay the foundation for ordinance and other changes that we would like to work with the new 2024 Board to advance. Read the full BOS data center policy here.

PJM TRANSMISSION LINES: On Monday, 12/11/23, PJM issued its decision on a list of transmission line and substation projects for the PJM 13-state region. While most of the earlier proposed Fauquier lines dropped off (at least for this round), the PJM decision includes a set of projects in southern Fauquier. This set of projects includes an existing transmission corridor out of Morrisville. It would rebuild an existing 500 KV line, and also build a second 500 KV line in the same corridor—from Morrisville north to the Vint Hill substation in PWC and on to Loudoun County—to provide power for data centers in Loudoun. We are still analyzing what is entailed, and the risk of ROW expansion and other implications. As we learn more, we will post information on our Facebook and website pages. 

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY DIGITAL GATEWAY APPROVED: On Wednesday, 12/13/23, the Prince William Board of Supervisors approved the Prince William Digital Gateway in a 4-3-1 vote. This would allow for the building of 35 data centers on 2,100 acres next to the Manassas Battlefield. It would be the largest data center complex in the world, with major impacts on the regional electric grid and transmission lines. Litigation is likely. We will continue to monitor these developments and the impacts to Fauquier County from this project.

The High-Voltage Power Line Threat Returns to Fauquier

Regional electric power grid operator PJM plans to cross over 80 miles of countryside, potentially affecting 700 properties and encroaching on conservation easements. Download a fact sheet prepared by our friends at Citizens for Fauquier County here.

View PEC maps showing potential transmission routes in Fauquier and adjoining areas here.

Read Protect Fauquier’s letter to the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee here.

By Novoklimov - Own work, CC0,

Photo by Novoklimov

Our mission is to preserve the beauty in Fauquier County, ensure the community is safe from noise-generating projects and power tower issues, and keep the value of our homes and land.

“I purposely purchased my home three years ago because there were no large power lines anywhere nearby. If these go up, I will be moving. This is supposed to be our forever home. It will be absolutely heartbreaking to leave it, but I don’t want to see enormous power lines from my backyard. I want to be able to see the neighbors, horses and chickens, not hear the buzz of cables.”

— Liz, local resident

What Can We Do?

Our Community. Our Vote.

Show Up to Meetings

Monday, April 29, 2024 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm (doors open at 6:00pm)
Community Meeting on Data Centers and Transmission Lines.
(Location: Liberty High School Auditorium, 6300 Independence Ave, Bealeton, VA 22712). More info here.

Contact Your Local Politicians

On our Take action page, we have contact information of our local politicians emails.


Sign Our Growing Petition

To help showcase the number of community members that are against the above-ground lines, please sign our petition.