Sign our growing petition
To help showcase the number of community members that are against the above-ground lines, please sign our petition.
All donations go to funding the operation costs to spread the word about the data center issue.
Get Your FREE “Stop Amazon, Stop the Towers” Yard Sign!
Contact any of these organizations today:
Citizens for Fauquier County: citizensforfauquier.org / Contact: Kevin Ramundo, President - ramundok@gmail.com; 704-965-2424
The Piedmont Environmental Council: pecva.org/blackwell / Contact: Kevin Kask, Fauquier County Field Representative - kkask@pecva.org; 540-347-2334, x7046

Contact Politicians
We NEED 1000 emails sent to Dominion and Delegate Webert and Senator Vogel to get the necessary political attention!
Please get your spouse, partner, parents, adult children, siblings, friends, and neighbors to email their objection to the BLACKWELL ROAD project and installation of above ground high voltage lines through historic Fauquier County
Time to write our objections is now. Dominion is moving forward with the project at maximum speed—that’s their strategy!
All opposed to Dominion’s overhead transmission lines going through Fauquier neighborhoods and historical areas from the proposed Blackwell substation northward to Wheeler substation in Prince William County, PLEASE EMAIL your concerns and disapproval to Dominion, copying Delegate Webert, Guzman, and Senator Vogel. NOW is the time.
Warrenton Planning Commission: planning@warrentonva.gov
Warrenton Town Council public comment: citizencomment@warrentonva.gov
Mayor Nevill: cnevill@warrentonva.gov
Councilwoman Sutphin: hsutphin@warrentonva.gov
Councilman Semple: wsemple@warrentonva.gov
Councilman Hamby: bhamby@warrentonva.gov
Councilman Hartman: jhartman@warrentonva.gov
Fauquier Board of Supervisors general email: BOS@fauquiercounty.gov
Why we need to email NOW:
Dominion updated the maps on their Blackwell website, and despite the opposition and concerns raised during April’s Project Participant Group (PPG) Meeting and during the April and May Board of Supervisor work sessions with Dominion, the Overhead pink and purple routes remain! Dominion Spokesperson Mr. Precker said multiple times community perspective can revise or remove routes prior to their filing with the SCC. Now is the time to speak out to Dominion.
What if Dominion still files overhead routes with the SCC? Dominion is obligated to include in their filing with the SCC, all direct public comments that they received. That’s where your email counts a second time. In making their decision, the SCC considers how much community input they receive.
If Dominion hears nothing from us individually now, don’t be surprised when you see the towers going up!