Attend the December 20 Planning Commission Vote and Be Heard

On Tuesday, December 13, the Warrenton Town Council voted 4-3 to direct staff to issue notice of a Town Council Amazon public hearing on January 10, 2023.  (Unless Amazon requests a deferral, which is unlikely.)

You have a chance next week to speak.  On Tuesday December 20, at 7 pm, the Planning Commission will hold a continuation of its public hearing, as demanded by the Town Council.  Once again, we ask you to attend in numbers, wear red, and speak in opposition to the process

*** IMPORTANT: Please ask the PC to hold their ground and ABSTAIN from voting on Dec 20.  Commissioners reasonably asked on Nov. 22 for more information in order to make an informed recommendation. ***

As it stands now, those of us who spoke at the November 15 PC hearing are not allowed to speak again to the PC on December 20. That means those of you who did not speak on November 15 are absolutely critical.  We need your voices on December 20, to speak for all of us, and send the message that the Town Council is railroading a bad, incomplete, untrustworthy, and damaging Amazon project through an invalid process. We ask the PC to hold its ground; to stand firm on the necessity of complete information. There is overwhelming citizen opposition to this invalid process and this damaging project. 

For those of you who have already spoken, and those who will not be able to attend the December 20 hearing, please email this same message to the Planning Commission now, before the hearing, at  Your voice is powerful, and makes our collective voice even more powerful.

Please also mark your calendar to attend and speak out at the Town Council Public Hearing January 10.


Warrenton Planning Commission votes that Town Council deny Amazon data center SUP.


View New Proposed Dominion Power Tower Routes for Amazon Data Center