Citizens for Fauquier County to Initiate FOIA Litigation Against Warrenton

The board of directors of Citizens for Fauquier County authorized the organization to file suit against the Town of Warrenton regarding Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests related to Amazon’s plans to build a data center at the gateway to the town.  The suit alleges that the town has not met its lawful FOIA obligations when it asserted “executive privilege” and refused  to turn over information involving Carter Nevill, the town’s mayor, and Brandie Schaeffer, the former town manager, who left her position this past July and now works for Amazon.

The decision to file suit follows a six-page letter from CFFC’s law firm, Richmond’s Whiteford, Taylor & Preston detailing the deficiencies of the town’s claims of executive privilege.  This letter was essentially dismissed.  The town’s response consisted of a short four-line email from the town clerk stating that the town was “standing by its determinations.”

“For months, Citizens for Fauquier County has attempted to work with town officials to share our concerns regarding Amazon’s proposed data center through four detailed letters on the applicable town and legal requirements; deficiencies in Amazon’s submission; and, risks to the town and its residents if the data center is approved,” according to Kevin Ramundo, President, Citizens for Fauquier County. “We have also submitted two FOIA requests which resulted in only partial responses consisting of some useful materials, but other information requested has not been provided, or has been provided in heavily redacted form.  Unfortunately, the town and its officials continue to ignore CFFC’s concerns and those of its citizens; withhold information;  and act unlawfully – all contrary to principles of responsible government and transparency.” 

To date, the town has charged CFFC almost $5,000 for administrative costs associated with gathering the FOIA information.  FOIA requests regarding the Amazon data center have also been submitted by Piedmont Environmental Council and Piedmont Journalism Foundation.

Founded in 1968, Citizens for Fauquier County (CFFC) is the oldest non-profit organization in Fauquier dedicated to preserving open space, protecting historic resources and supporting agricultural in the county. CFFC has hundreds of members who share its mission and who provide support through their annual dues and donations. The 501-C3 organization is a major reason why Fauquier remains a unique place in northern Virginia that has successfully avoided the congestion and over-development in neighboring counties while maintaining its rural traditions. Learn more at 


Members of New Group, the Warrenton Honest Government League, Raise Questions About Data Center Approval Process


Warrenton Planning Commission to resume public hearing on Amazon SUP on December 20