Proposed 100-120’ Tall Steel Power Towers are Amazon’s Extension Cord through OUR Backyards

Let’s Be Clear: This project is to power an Amazon Data Center at OUR expense, regardless of how Dominion spins it.

We would pay the cost through reduced home values, destroyed countryside, environmental and health impacts, and in some cases, condemned homes or inability to build on our own private land.

We would also pay through increased rates to cover Dominion’s multi-million-dollar line installation project costs, while Amazon gets a reduced rate hidden by confidentiality agreements.

When private citizens like us need power to a new home that is not already serviced by powerlines, we get a ‘distribution’ line to our private property and may pay some of that cost ourselves (many of us DID pay). Dominion has been saying that this project is different because it is a new ‘transmission’ line (ie: higher voltage), and private owners are not charged for transmission lines.

DO NOT BE FOOLED: This new transmission line is only needed if the Special Use Permit for this “customer” (Amazon) is approved. Dominion has already acknowledged this. It is only due to the massive volume of power needed for this ONE bulk-load customer (Amazon) that makes it a transmission line versus a distribution line.

What Does This Mean for Us?

When the SCC PICKS A ROUTE and claims “eminent domain” to force an easement through OUR private homeowners’ properties, WE WILL LOSE our land, our home values, and in some cases our homes all so that Dominion can run Amazon’s private extension cord through our yards and neighborhoods.

Amazon’s above-ground extension cord will require clearing a 100’ wide path through many miles of trees and farmland with 100-120’ tall steel power towers that are easily twice as high as the surrounding tree canopy.   

This case is very similar to one that a group of citizens in Haymarket won, and WE CAN WIN, too! BUT…

We must come together as a community to TAKE ACTION and WIN!


Don’t Buy Dominion’s Hype - UNLESS WE UNITE, the SCC Is NOT Likely to Choose an Underground Route: Dominion is acting like they’re looking out for us by saying the “preferred route” is underground and close to Warrenton, but Dominion does NOT DECIDE. Word from the Haymarket group is that the SCC hearing examiner can choose any route or combination of routes they want, and the SCC will NOT likely choose an underground option on their own.


Two further sites in Warrenton, Virginia being offered for data centers


Private Meeting with Van Metre and Dominion protects property value of select few