Mike Focazio
There will be no data centers in the Marshall District on my watch; our folks don't want them and our infrastructure won't support them. We - and I personally - have been working for years on solving water issues in the Marshall district. Our businesses and homeowners need us to fix what we have, not add to our problems. Importantly, any data center development would require substantial electrical power infrastructure that currently does not exist. We live here because we value a quality of life that other counties have lost. And we are very well protected because of careful planning over many years which I will keep in place. Could there be appropriately sited data centers in other Fauquier districts? Maybe, but only if the communities affected want them and they meet our strict requirements. It's easy to just say no to all data centers - but it is a lot smarter to say we will follow the law, be transparent with our citizens on these issues and keep Fauquier the way we all want it.